குமார்மங்களம் சொலுயுஷன்ஸ்

course details

IIST:- Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Contains of IIST:

IIST is conducting screening test and interviews for CSIR-UGC-NET-JRF or NBHM Qualified Aspirants. If Aspirants have Qualified with good rank in CSIR-UGC-NET-JRF or NBHM entrance examinations then they can joint IIST by their further rules for Ph.D course with scholarship starting Rs.31,000/- P/M and Rs.35000/- per month based on a performance review after two years of Research.

Kumar Mangalam Solutions is a leading Institute of IIST and KMS is providing super full day classes for CSIR-UGC-NET-JRF and NBHM and by this classes aspirants can join IIST after Qualified.

Our Relations till your “Success”